In that particular tournment I played very good poker early, and when it got later in the tournament I made a few bonehead movies that caused me to exit before I would have liked too. The funny thing about these qualifier type tournaments is that I noticed there is an awful lot of tight play on a lot of the tables. The main reason for this is (I believe) a lot of the people playing can't afford to drop $1500 or $2500 on a tourney, so they try to get in through these qualifiers, and they play like they have thousands on the line. The thing about it is, you have a few of those players who have won seats already and they don't care to be cautious, a lot of these players just roll over the table until one of the rocks wake up with a hand.
I just got knocked out of one about 30 minutes ago, it had 191 players and I finished 35th, I played well once again, and I did a good job of re-raising pre-flop, stealing blinds, and avoiding unfavorable situations. I was above the average chip stack just about the entire tournament, and I was getting annoyed by one player who called my pre-flop raise everytime. But I noticed that if I bet the flop he would go away most of the time, so I learned to not really worry when he called me.
I saw an example of a player (Glazeman) who was too aggressive and just wasn't patient, he was in 2nd place chip wise with about $17000 at the time, the first hand he messed up on was he raised from the button to 3x the BB which was about $600, the SB re-raised over the top all-in for his remaining $3700, I folded. The original raiser thought about it and called showing A 6 off suit, the SB had JJ, the Jacks held.
Then Glazeman had a raiser 4x BB in front of him as well as a caller of that raise, he decides to go over the top all-in. One player folds, the other player calls showing KK, Glazeman shows AQ off suit, the Kings hold, and Glazeman goes down to $1200 chips. In my opinion he took risks that weren't really neccesary in both of those hands, an argument can be made for the A6 call, but it just wasn't neccesary. But he could have easily re-raised with the AQ to allow the other player to define his hand, I am sure if he had KK he would have went over the top, a bet of say $2200 would have been sufficient. But that's just my opinion.
The hand I ended up going out on, I was UTG and I raised 4x the BB with
The first question to myself is "Why did I call??" I knew he had AJ I was almost sure of it, and the funny thing is this isn't an isolated incident. I do a decent job of knowing what a player in a hand is holding against me, but I still hardly ever take the advice, I guess I just have to see the other person's hand to verify if I am correct or not. I don't know what it is, but I do it all of the time especially late in tournaments, it may be related to stamina who knows.
At this point I am going to Vegas, and will be at the WSOP if I am playing in it is an entirely different story. I have to feel like I can go into the tournament and play with confidence, right now I feel I am a little bit above a break even player which is decent I guess, but it's nowhere near where I want to be. I need to play more, hopefully I can qualify for the WSOP and have a chance to play in it cheaply we will just have to see.
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