The Format
1. 283 Players today
2. 11 Players per table
2. $2500 chips to start
3. 15 Minute Blinds - $25/$50, $50/$100, $75/$150, $100/$200, $200/$400, $300/$600, $400/$800, $500/$1000, $1000/$2000, $2000/$4000
4. Alternates brought in after someone is knocked out no matter what the blind level
The tourney
I started analyzing the players at the table, I don't play tourneys at this place that much mostly just limit games, so I didn't recognize anyone. Naturally they all start to chatter about different things and I start to realize who I should watch for.
I folded for most of the first round because I didn't pick up any hands that weren't utter garbage, and the guy sitting directly to my left raised to $800 on the first hand, he was drunk or something he kept falling asleep and leaning in his seat (FISH).
Early on I noticed that there was very little to no raising it was a limp fest, and people are showing down AA, KK, AK, and other hands that would warrant a raise, but no one is raising.
Key Hand #1:
I am dealt
After that hand I won a few pots using continuation bets, and I had about $6500 chips which was definitely healthy at that point in the tournament.
Key Hand #2
With the blinds sitting at $100/$200 I have played tight and avoided trouble, and I have built credit at the table. I am dealt
Then I start to notice that the blinds seem to be creeping up on me, I am sitting around with about $7000 at this point, but the blinds are now $200/$400 things just moved so fast my M at this point is barely above 10 after all of that. Then it happens we lose 3 players from our table and get 3 new players who had been sitting on the rail (this deep in a tourney that's crazy), so they come in and start playing with a new $2500 chip stack, and we are still 11 handed.
A player who had just sat down goes all in on the first hand they played, and was called by another new player the first players
So I am wittled down now, to about $4000, and the blinds arent' getting smaller,
Key Hand #3
I am dealt
The next 30 mins to an hour of the tourney saw me folding hands because of all-in bets that weren't even heads up, I would have been the 3rd or 4th person coming into the pot in most cases.
I am now wittled down to less than the starting chip amount, and the blinds are now $300/$600, everyone folds to me I look down at
My Mistakes:
1. Not checking the tournament structure before sitting down to play the tournament.
2. Not adjusting to the tournament structure once I realized what it was.
3. Falling into the table culture, and not staying aggressive pre-flop which is my most comfortable way of playing. I limped into too many pots (a bad habit I have picked up lately).
I am sure I made more mistakes than that, and of course I couldn't write everything that happened, but hopefully you get the gist of how I was playing, and can analyze my play and comment. I hope to learn from this experience, and get better from it. Thanks.